Did You Know…

Kagan activates students as learning resources for each other.

Kagan is Proven

Cooperative learning is research-proven as a highly-effective teaching strategy, with over 1000 studies showing this to be the case. However, Kagan Cooperative Learning is a much broader three-dimensional approach which incorporates many other effective instructional strategies.

It’s holistic in that for cooperative learning to be successful, you need to have the right classroom culture and an environment where students feel respected, included, visible and accepted which is why we prioritise daily classbuilding and weekly teambuilding to ensure this is ongoing and developing and improving over the term.

Anytime teachers want students to: discuss, share, analyse, question, compare, find, justify, quiz, evaluate, explain, describe, present, solve, collaborate, build etc, they can use a Kagan Structure to ensure full engagement, high levels of oral language, and respect for others points of view.

Consider this…

Dr Russell Bishop, in Teaching to the North-East, identifies three key instructional strategies:

  1. Cooperative Learning

  2. Narrative Pedagogy

  3. Student Generated-Questions

Teachers experienced in using Kagan Cooperative Learning typically state that Kagan is all of these. When you read the exemplars for each category, we can see where Kagan fits and would in fact have improved the teaching and learning experience.

For example, Student Generated-Questions was done at the whole class level, with no guarantee that every student contributed equally, or at all. Compare this with students working in pairs or teams, using one of our Kagan Structures, such as Jot Thoughts (below), where students are saying and then writing their questions down. Following this they can then sort (and resort) them into categories, rank them, or put them on the wall for a Dot the Wall class activity. There would be more questions generated this way in the same amount of time, and with everyone safely contributing.

We are not wishing to be disrespectful to this research, but rather to demonstrate how Kagan can improve nearly every instructional strategy and ensure full engagement and create a much more equitable outcome. We welcome the opportunity to discuss this further if you’d like to contact us.

It’s an oldie but a goodie…the NZC and Effective pedagogy


    Creating a supportive learning environment is crucial for fostering academic growth and personal development. In order to establish such an environment, it is important to prioritise classbuilding and teambuilding so all students feel safe to share and be themselves. Cultivating a positive classroom atmosphere promotes a sense of belonging and encourages students to take risks and engage actively in the learning process. Ultimately, when students feel safe, supported, and valued, they are more likely to thrive and reach their full potential.


    How do you actively foster and demonstrate positive relationships within the learning environment that are caring, inclusive, non-discriminatory, and cohesive?


    Kagan fosters a supportive and inclusive learning environment. By actively engaging students in cooperative tasks, Kagan promotes positive relationships, builds trust, and encourages students to support and learn from one another. The use of Classbuilding structures, designed to have students interacting with everyone in the class, ensure active participation where students work with ALL classmates, giving everyone an opportunity to contribute and feel valued. Through cooperative learning experiences, Kagan promotes social and emotional growth, enhancing empathy, communication skills, and teamwork. Students learn to rely on each other's strengths, while building their own, and work through challenges together, creating a positive environment where everyone feels safe and included, and motivated to succeed.

    Kagan Cooperative Learning provides teachers with a proven process to cultivate an inclusive culture of support and respect, empowering students to reach their full potential.


    The NZC (New Zealand Curriculum) strongly encourages reflective thought and action among its learners. It recognises the importance of reflection as a powerful tool for deepening understanding, fostering critical thinking, and promoting personal growth. The curriculum acknowledges that reflection allows students to make meaningful connections between their experiences, knowledge, and values. By engaging in reflective practices, students are empowered to actively question, evaluate, and refine their own thinking and actions.


    What tasks and opportunities have you designed that encourage all students to reflect on their learning individually and with their peers?


    Kagan Cooperative Learning actively fosters reflective thought and action among students by engaging them in structured and purposeful interactions which encourage critical reflection on their own thinking and actions.

    Through the use of Kagan Structures students are constantly challenged to articulate their thoughts, listen actively to their peers' perspectives, and adjust their own understanding based on the shared insights. which also develops their metacognitive skills, enabling them to become more aware of their learning strategies and make meaningful adjustments.

    Ultimately, Kagan Cooperative Learning empowers students to actively engage in reflective thought and action, becoming more self-directed and accountable learners.


    Students engage socially in shared activities, contributing to the classroom community and owning their education. This encourages choices, goal-setting, and self-directed learning, which enhances engagement and motivation. Student agency leads to active participation, improving understanding, retention, and knowledge application.


    How do you challenge your students to use and apply what they discover in new contexts and new innovative ways?


    Kagan Cooperative Learning provides an innovative approach to education that seamlessly integrates new learning, goal-setting, and the development of a strong learning community. By utilising cooperative structures, students engage in meaningful interactions with their peers, fostering a supportive environment where they can learn from one another. As students work together towards common goals, they are encouraged to set personal targets, increasing their sense of ownership and motivation.

    This cooperative approach creates a dynamic learning community where students feel valued, respected, and connected to one another, and are able to take greater ownership of their learning.


    Shared learning creates an inclusive and collaborative environment where students can actively engage with their peers and collectively expand their knowledge and skills, and give feedback and feedforward as appropriate. Through shared learning, students gain a broader perspective on various subjects and develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. This promotes a sense of belonging and empowers students to contribute their unique perspectives, fostering a supportive and enriching academic community.


    How does your learning community foster and demonstrate learning conversations and partnerships where all contributions are valued, and where all members of the classroom are encouraged to give constructive feedback on learning?


    Kagan Cooperative Learning easily stands out as the best method for facilitating shared learning in classrooms. Unlike traditional instructional approaches, Kagan's cooperative learning structures actively engage students in collaborating, communicating, and problem-solving together. By organising students into small teams for activities, Kagan fosters an inclusive and supportive environment that promotes equal participation and shared responsibility for learning. Kagan Structures provide ample opportunities for ALL students to interact with their peers, exchange ideas, and collectively construct knowledge.

    As a result, Kagan Cooperative Learning not only enhances academic achievement through higher levels of engagement, but also develops essential social and interpersonal skills, making it the obvious choice for facilitating shared learning in today's diverse classrooms.


    Connecting to prior learning and experiences is of utmost importance for students as it serves as the foundation for new knowledge and understanding. When students can link new concepts to what they already know, they are more likely to engage in the learning process and make meaningful connections. Furthermore, connecting to prior experiences enables students to see the relevance and applicability of what they are learning, fostering a sense of personal connection and motivation.


    What are some deliberate strategies you use to build on what students know and have experienced, as well as support students to make connections across learning areas, home experiences, and the wider world?


    Kagan structures are highly effective in helping students integrate new learning with what they already know.

    By creating a safe learning environment, where students are given the opportunity to tap into their prior knowledge, insights, and experiences and share them with their peers, it sets the stage for a deeper understanding of new concepts. Kagan structures enable students to make sense of and establish connections between what they already know and the new information they are acquiring. Teachers can select from a wide range of sharing options such as in pairs, teams or with others in the classroom. Every student comes to the classroom with a unique set of experiences and perspectives, and encouraging them to share their insights with their peers enriches the overall learning environment. Through these exchanges, students can build on each other's knowledge, collaborate, and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

    Kagan helps students recognise patterns, draw conclusions, and engage in critical thinking. paving the way for deeper understanding and lifelong application of knowledge.


    Revisiting new learning multiple times and across different contexts is an essential strategy for effective knowledge retention and application. Each time we revisit a concept or skill, we not only reinforce our understanding but also deepen our grasp of the subject matter. By exposing ourselves to the same information in various contexts, we can see how it connects to different situations and expand our ability to apply it creatively. Moreover, revisiting new learning across divergent contexts enhances transferability, enabling us to adapt our knowledge to unfamiliar scenarios.


    How do you plan for and implement multiple opportunities for all students to engage with, practise, and transfer new learning, as well as encourage them to take ownership of and manage their own learning?


    Kagan Cooperative Learning is undoubtedly the best way for teachers to provide sufficient opportunities for students to learn across different contexts and in a number of ways. The unique structure of Kagan encourages active participation, collaboration, and engagement among students, fostering a dynamic learning environment. By utilising a wide range of cooperative learning structures, teachers can cater to diverse learning styles and preferences, and revisit the same content in many different ways, such as discussing or writing in pairs, in a team, or with their classmates, and solo.

    Kagan Cooperative Learning allows teachers to revisit the same or similar content multiple times, using different Kagan structures, and across a range of contexts.


    Teaching as inquiry means teachers are continuously engaged in actively exploring and assessing the impact of their teaching and learning programme. Committed to providing the highest quality education, they diligently inquire into the effectiveness of their pedagogical practices and curriculum design. By understanding the impact of their teaching on student learning outcomes, they are able to tailor their instructional approaches and optimise student engagement.


    How do you use what you observe in daily teaching and learning to ensure that all students’ learning needs are planned for and met, using proven pedagogical approaches and interventions?


    Cooperative learning has long been recognised as an empirically proven approach to education, fostering positive academic outcomes and social development among students. As teachers inquire into the effectiveness of their instructional practices, it’s important that they understand the difference between cooperative learning and group work, because one works and one doesn’t. Group work allows students to opt out or hide, whereas Kagan doesn’t. Most teachers believe that group work and cooperative learning are the same thing - they aren’t.

    But when it comes to meeting the New Zealand Curriculum's requirement of effective pedagogy, Kagan Cooperative Learning is the only approach that ensures equity and provides teachers with the ability to measure the amount of engagement at any one time.


    E-learning has proven to be a powerful tool that supports effective teaching pedagogies, Through online platforms and digital resources, students can connect with their peers, teachers, and experts from all around the world, fostering a global perspective and creating meaningful connections. The collaborative nature of e-learning allows for shared learning experiences, where students can engage in group projects, discussions, and peer-to-peer feedback, enhancing their understanding and promoting deeper learning. Furthermore, e-learning provides ample opportunities to learn by offering a diverse range of resources, including multimedia presentations, interactive activities, and virtual simulations, catering to individual students' needs and interests.


    How do you deliver a multi-modal approach to e-learning with rich dialogue and complex thinking skills are taught and applied?


    Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures are highly beneficial in supporting e-learning environments through creating a safe, positive and supportive class culture. By encouraging students to engage in meaningful discussions with their peers, Kagan structures promote active learning and allow for the exchange of ideas and opinions, even in virtual settings. By working together, students in pairs or teams can benefit from shared learning experiences, where they discuss, plan, collaborate, analyse, evaluate, problem-solve, and collectively construct knowledge. These structures also provide multiple opportunities to learn and apply a range of thinking skills, as students take turns in leading discussions, explaining concepts to their peers, and reinforcing their understanding.

    Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures develop and enhance thinking skills and create a sense of collaboration, engagement, and shared responsibility within the e-learning environment, leading to enhanced learning outcomes for all participants.

"Jennie, I have to say...it's spine-tingling stuff"