From teachers to New Entrants and everyone in between,

Kagan is true shared pedagogy!

See and experience Kagan in action for free - it’s really the only way to know…

Explore your PLD options

Our workshops cater to a range of expertise, from PCTs (new teachers) to school leaders, and everyone in between. During these highly interactive sessions, participants will learn how to implement cooperative learning strategies that encourage participation from every student, ensuring no one is left behind. Each workshop equips educators with practical tools, techniques, and activities that can be immediately integrated into their teaching practice.

Kagan’s expert trainers bring years of experience in education and cooperative learning, providing insights that are both actionable and inspiring.

Invest in your professional growth and witness the positive impact on your students' learning experiences. With Kagan workshops, you'll not only improve classroom dynamics but also enhance your effectiveness as an educator.

Elevate your teaching practice today—explore Kagan workshop options to create a more engaging and collaborative classroom!

Option 1 - Free Introductory Sessions

Obligation-free, no pressure, no hard sell

Our Discover Kagan 60 min Intro sessions are the best way to decide if embarking on Kagan PLD is for your school or Kahio Akō. Any PLD requires both a time and financial commitment, so being able to have your whole staff, or Kahui Akō team experience Kagan before making a decision is a service we are only too happy to provide.

Combined with this, we also offer Fishbowls where we will run Kagan Structures with your students. (Believe it or not, some teachers think it’s easy to use Kagan with adults, but don’t believe it will work with children..!)

Obligation-free, no pressure, no hard sell - we just want to share our passion for bringing students and teachers together, the best way we know how!

Option 2 - Whole School PLD

A Kagan workshop will bring your staff together

Running a workshop with teachers from the same school community is our most popular and sought-after option. School leaders frequently choose to include Teacher Aides, Release Teachers, along with any other educators who are involved with the school on a regular basis, ensuring that everyone is represented in the professional development experience.

A Kagan workshop will bring your staff together, and is a day of learning, sharing, relationship building and networking - perfect for large primary or intermediate schools and secondary schools which can become quite compartmentalised.

Option 3 - PLD for Kahui Akō

Investing in Kagan Cooperative Learning is investing in your students' futures.

Investing in Kagan Cooperative Learning is investing in your students' futures. Together, we can create dynamic, collaborative classrooms across your schools that inspire and motivate every learner.

Our structures are adaptable for all year levels and subject areas, making them suitable for diverse educational settings as exists in every Kahui Akō.

By implementing Kagan's Cooperative Learning strategies, schools can expect:

  1. Increased Student Engagement & Achievement

  2. Enhanced Teamwork & Social & Communication Skills

  3. Improved Inclusion & Equity

  4. Improved Teacher Efficacy

  5. Positive School & Classroom Environment

Let’s work together to elevate the educational experience in your Kahui Ako. Contact Kagan NZ today to learn more about how we can support your journey towards engagement, excellence and equity.

Option 4 - Tailored PLD

Tailor your Kagan experience to suit your needs

Kagan NZ offers tailored Professional Learning and Development (PLD) solutions designed specifically for schools seeking to link Kagan to their unique context, curriculum or current foci.

All workshops are delivered using Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures simply because there is no better way to deliver any curriculum. Through our interactive workshops, teachers will learn together replicating best classroom practice. Talk to us today about co-developing your ideal PLD experience for your staff and students.

Option 5 - Leadership PLD

“A leader takes people where they want to go.

A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.”

– Rosalynn Carter, former First Lady, USA

Kagan’s PLD for school leaders provides essential strategies for creating inclusive environments that value diverse perspectives and promote active participation among staff.

Through cooperative learning structures, leaders can model effective pedagogy & communication techniques and improve problem-solving skills, ultimately leading to more productive meetings and stronger team dynamics.

Additionally, this training equips leaders with the tools to navigate conflicts constructively and build a culture of trust, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued in the decision-making process.

Make every meeting an opportunity to improve relationships and grow your people.

  • “Kagan has taken cooperative learning to another level! My students cooperate effectively because of Kagan’s amazing structures. The structures have helped my students acquire social and communication skills needed in the real world. Implementing these structures has taught my students how to successfully take turns and to listen to the views of others. Everyone is a team player and a leader when you use Kagan. The increase in self-esteem and empathy for others is all made possible when you decide to add a Kagan Structure to your lesson. The long-term benefits of Kagan are out of this world!”

    —Latasha Mose, Fourth Grade Teacher

  • “Before we started using Kagan, classwork was just easy. I just listened to the teacher and did my work. But, now that we use structures, it’s more challenging. It’s helping everyone learn so much more and it is helping others too. I know with me it made me learn so much more. Before there were only a few of us in GT (Gifted and Talented) and now there are so many. Kids have to do their work and they have to be a part of the learning. It really has helped make kids smarter.”

    —Primere Lewis, Student

  • “Kagan has made a large impact on not only improving student learning and understanding, but developing social skills and habits. Body language, tone of voice, eye contact, and positive communication greatly affect how my students interact in the classroom setting. Kagan Structures help students develop their thinking, communicating, and collaborating skills in a controlled way. I implement Kagan Structures into every lesson plan I create in order to make learning cooperative. I fully support these engagement structures, and I know they help children in many, many ways!”

    —Heather Smith, Fourth Grade Teacher

  • In my thirteen years of attending workshops and training, this has been the ONLY information I have received that I feel I will use until I retire.

    — Emma Slyow, 3rd Grade teacher

  • Jackie Corey, principal at Lehigh Senior High School, attributes the very dramatic decrease in discipline referrals at her school in part to the greater engagement of students when Kagan Structures are implemented. As Jackie puts it, engaged students “don’t have the opportunity to lose focus and get in trouble."

Some of our topics…

All workshops can be school-based, but occasionally we do offer open workshops (pay-per-person)at various locations.

Whole School






  • ESOL



Literacy & Social Sciences








Maths & Science





“In my thirteen years of attending workshops and training, this has been the ONLY information I have received that I feel I will use until I retire. ”

— Emma Slyow, 3rd grade teacher